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Steven Brady reshared this.

Thought I'd write an #introduction for all those #newhere from the Musk exodus:

I'm an analytical chemist. I've hosted my own #Friendica node (instance) at my home since 2018, shortly after the Cambridge Analytica scandal. From there, I got bit by the #selfhosting bug and am now hosting my own #opensource replacements for many FAANG services.

Welcome all to the #fediverse ! If you are thinking about self-hosting and have questions, would be happy to help as able!

in reply to AutoPastry Technology reshared this.

I'm tempted to give this a try. I already am really happy with my VPN and password manager, but it looks like you can subscribe to mail/calendar for a reasonable price. If I did that and drive, I'd rely on Google a lot less.
in reply to Abnorc Technology reshared this.

If you need more than one domain there's also a business plan that gives you 3 for less money than the top-tier individual plan.
in reply to AutoPastry Technology reshared this.

hoped to discover a good open source software for collaborative editing, but their solution is based on

JB Carroll reshared this.

Happy Birthday Friendica!

The Friendica mascot is celebrating. Festive Flaxy O’Hare by @lightone

Enjoy your self-brew @Mike Macgirvin and thanks to all the contributors!

!Friendica Support

reshared this

in reply to Tobias Friendica Support reshared this.

@Tobias @Mike Macgirvin happy birthday!

@Fabio next year we should remember to do a group buy of club mate and celebrate!

/me raises a mug of black tea as a toast as a second choice :)

The "Van Gogh" part of our landscape is springing up. We call it that because it reminds us of #vangogh and his work ”Irises" 😁

I suppose my old #wifi PCI-E adapter on my desktop shot craps. Worked up the gumption to run ethernet to that that and my TV. Speed on the desktop went from 4 Mbps down to 878 Mbps! 🤯 #firstworldjoys

If we're in a simulation, then this would be a great troll by the admin. 🙂…

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Enjoying this unseasonably cool August night with a firepit using wood from a recent storm, before we pay for it with super warm temps next week.

Pretty cool that #birds have figured out that mud and straw makes a pretty strong #composite for #nests , too!

Got access to the Scott AFB Air Show Practice yesterday from a friend. He serves on the C-40s carrying VIPs all around the world. They actually had SPAR19 at the show, and he let me sit in the VIP section. He said he was pretty sure that this was the seat Speaker Pelosi was in flying over. 🙂

Friendica Support reshared this.

Interned String Buffer Full

!Friendica Support

I switched my fpm over to 8.0 on Friendica, the same as my Nextcloud instance. Ever since I've been getting a notification about my opcache.interned_strings_buffer becoming full. I've increased the memory in php.ini, but it seems like it almost immediately fills up no matter the memory I give it (I have tons of RAM so can experiment). I

Seems like it caches one string to be applied over and over again to improve performance. I wonder if there are some strings generated in Friendica that are always unique and therefore always would fill up the buffer.

Doesn't seem like it's affecting anything yet, but didn't know if that's a bug or a feature.

in reply to JB Carroll Friendica Support reshared this.

@JB Carroll All the translated strings are unique and loaded all at once for each request.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan Friendica Support reshared this.

Makes sense. Thanks! I may try to branch out the Friendica pool to a different user then so it doesn't step on Nextcloud too much.

Welp, I did it! Wasn't very active but still felt good to leave. Smell ya later, #twitter !

I don't know if this says more about AI or about how generic and auto-tuned modern pop music is. 😂


So glad I really don't use these anymore. The few times I've tried Google, the results page is an all-fire mess.

Friendica Admins reshared this.

@hoergen :selected: @Friendica Admins Several of what look like not profiles requested me from this server. Need to do a server wide block myself today.

To all four of my followers that are still using twitter: I'm probably closing this down soon. See you over on the Fediverse. My handle is @JB Carroll. Follow using Friendica, Mastodon, or other service. See you there.

Got some sweet drinking horns for Christmas. I suppose it's high time to brew another mead! 😂🎅

Almost last minute Hail Mary, but I finally got something for everyone on my shopping list for Christmas! Just has been so crazy it was hard to think about it till now...

You can tell you're getting old when you get excited about foundation repairs. #adulting
in reply to JB Carroll

That is some next-level adulting right there. Way to get her done.
in reply to alysonsee (Fca)

@alysonsee (Fca) the repair added some excitement yesterday. The generator they were using was too close to the house and set off our CO detector, which correspondingly made our security company send the fire dept. out. My wife who WFH did not get much accomplished yesterday...

Thank goodness we don't repair our basement every day! 😅

Got to visit the #spaceneedle in #seattle last week. I've been by it before but never went up. It was really nice inside! Seemed like a fancy hotel, and didn't realize how far up I was until I stepped on the observation deck. 🙂

Susan ✶✶✶✶ reshared this.

You mean Apple's privacy advertising was

I guess the #docker images hit for #postgres...took out my #matrix server for a while. Probably ought to get out of the habit of just tacking "latest" on all my images on docker-compose. Thank goodness I'm only my own #sysadmin ! 🙃
in reply to Steven Brady

@Steven Brady Thanks! Back up and raring to go. Just changed the docker image back to 14.5 for postgress, did another coker-compose pull and up, and we're back.

I would like to switch to 15 someday, but seems less than straightforward, so will do that when I have some free time. 🙂