Thought I'd write an #introduction for all those #newhere from the Musk exodus:

I'm an analytical chemist. I've hosted my own #Friendica node (instance) at my home since 2018, shortly after the Cambridge Analytica scandal. From there, I got bit by the #selfhosting bug and am now hosting my own #opensource replacements for many FAANG services.

Welcome all to the #fediverse ! If you are thinking about self-hosting and have questions, would be happy to help as able!

Hey, Plusporans!

I posted this as a reply to someone who was reposting the announcement about the issues Pluspora was having lately, but I figured I would post this just in general.

I would like to extend an open invitation to you and anyone who is wanting or needing to setup another fediverse account (due to the unfortunate circumstances at Pluspora) to come check out Friendica. Our friendly Friendica instances speak many languages, so they reach in to many other parts of the fediverse - the GNU Socials, Pleromas, Mastondons, etc, as well as Hubzillas and of course, Diasporas. This invitation is not to dissuade from choosing any particular path, but as I don't see enough cheering for all the great improvements that go in to Friendica all the time, I figure I'd make some noise, especially in light of the changes (or possible changes?) going on at Pluspora.

Feel free to try out a Friendica account at (I've been running this instance since April 2018) or at any instance that might be close and comfortable geographically - you can find a list at

Heck, even if one has had an account on a Friendica instance in the past, there's been a great number of improvements over the past couple of years.

Have a great day, hope all is well, and we look forward to seeing you wherever you wind up!

#pluspora #diaspora #friendica

Tagging a few people:

@David Thiery @diane @Frederick Wilson II @David English @wynter @Jess Nut @Whuffo @DavïÐ Låzårµ§ @Whuffo @Stuart Richman @garpu @garpu @doug t @Jeff Sexton @Paul Frank @Michele Hax @Nora Qudus @Rodrigo Mesa @John Hummel @Steven Vaughan-Nichols @Matthias Vos @Bill B @Wilco Roos

#friendica #admins , just a heads up.

dear follow #diasporians

i have the hint, there will soon come a wave of #maga - #trumpsters accounts to #diaspora, the older of you might remember on the #wave of #daesh - and #isis accounts yeras ago, when #twitter #silenced their accounts and i think, the #antifa -fellows here in diaspora , the diasporians who have no sympathy to trump or his #whitepower -footsoldiers, the people here, who dont sympathizes with #racism #fascism #homophobia #sexism or (yes, you read right, i wrote OR! which says a lot about this time) #antisemitism the #liberals here, we should be prepared and think about, how to counter that, i dont want diaspora to become the brown echochamber for #conspiracy-ideology, for that #qanon lunacy or this #trump -bullshit
share that, think about that, debate about that, stopping #fascism when you can, not, when its allready to late, #antifascists predicted that allready years ago and itz no #fun anymore, itz no fun, to play #cassanda and beeing right #now itz the time to defeat #fascist #hatespeech here on diaspora, not tomorow, not next week, ITZ NOW!

this is a call to your keyboards!

please share!

you get a funny, hopefully prophetic picture as reward
Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

ps if you want to support the cause and you think i missed important points, feel free to rephrase that posting or write something in the comments or a pm, feel free to "follow"me (maybe a little warning, i am an antifa, i am really i left wing communist and i am a pro-zionist and i am a militant, we can argue about that, we can have debates or, if you dont like that, make your own post about it, if itz antifascist, i will support it, i love you!)

aproposnix reshared this.

[share author='Hypolite Petovan (he/him)' profile='' avatar='' guid='735a2029-135c-50b0-2768-d5f092103658' posted='2019-01-29 19:57:27' link='']Any US-based #Friendica developer would like to apply for an Open-Source grant by Sentry? via @Sean Tilley…